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Aloas is a website designed to help tournament organizers manage tournaments for disabled people. The website provides tools for creating and managing tournaments, including registration, scheduling, timer and scoring. Organizers can create custom tournament formats, set up teams, and track results. The website also includes features for communicating with participants, sharing updates, and promoting events. Aloas is a user-friendly and accessible platform that makes it easy to organize and run tournaments for disabled people.


tailwinds Tailwinds
symfony Symfony
twig Twig
sass SASS

My works

In this project, I worked on the frontend and the backend. I had a role of project manager and I was in charge of the deployment. I used for the first time OVH to host the website. I also used to host the Docker container. I used GitLab CI/CD to automate the deployment process. It was a great experience to work on a project that has a real impact on people's lives.